This starship is Classified by Starfleet Command so it's Specifications and Blueprint's won't be shown here you'll have to find it somewhere else. The Anaconda Class is a Battlecrusier, built for greater speed than the Constitution and Pluto class starships, it's almost as powerful than the Miranda class destroyers. There are currently two of these ships USS Anaconda and USS Africa, one prototype and one in service. The Ananconda class was in it's ealry design stages ealry stage of the 24th century starship Intrepid and Prometheus class but it was nearly a secret and hidden in the depths of Mars Design Station, 2 years after the station was constructed the Anaconda class was underway of contruction. The refitting operation started in the mid 23rd Century, 3 days before the USS Enterprise was refitted and later the refitting operations were delayed because of lower resources for the ships construction. In the late 23rd Century this vessel was giving a refit and was in service just before came a new era of the next generation. The USS Anaconda was decomissioned after the refit of the USS Africa NCC-1004-A because Starfleet and the whole of U.F.P. decomissioned all battlecrusier type starships. The USS Africa was the only Anaconda class battlecrusier left of her kind in service and after her retirement she was sent to Mars Shipyards docked with S-A-5's Designing Station.
The size of this Battlecrusier is much bigger of the Excelsior and Constitution class starships.
The Image below is the Size Comparsion of the starships original and Refits that were designed and constructed at Mars Shipyards Station Alpha V.